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San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group

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There are over four decades of research studies on Control-Mastery Theory (CMT). All of the research carried out by SFPRG is designed to empirically evaluate CMT hypotheses and predictions. There is research on how patients’ sense of safety is enhanced, how defenses can be relaxed, how previously warded-off feelings or mental contents emerge during therapy, how therapists can help patients to disconfirm pathogenic beliefs or schemas, and how therapists can enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy. Since CMT is not a particular brand or technique of therapy, our research does not compare the effectiveness of CMT therapies with other brands. Instead, we utilize the theory to explain how therapies of various types work or fail to work. SFPRG has also focused on developing reliable methods for case formulation (the plan formulation method), for assessing pathogenic beliefs, and for developing reliable measures of the degree of compatibility between therapist interventions and attitudes and the patient’s particular problems and goals (plan compatibility of intervention scale). Taken as a whole, the research shows that therapist responsiveness to the particular patient (plan compatibility) is a strong predictor of productive therapy sessions and treatment outcome. An overview of the research and many of the research studies can be found in the Publications page.

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Recent Research Highlights

  • Investigating patients’ coaching communication in therapy
  • Researching pathways of therapist responsiveness and therapeutic alliance
  • The development and refinement of a measure of pathogenic beliefs
  • Refining the understanding of worries in relation to other psychological phenomena
  • Research on pathogenic beliefs in mediating the relationship between childhood adversity and psychological distress

Members of SFPRG have recently presented aspects of this work at several national and international conferences, including meetings of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Psychotherapy Research, and the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration.  Publications related to these projects––and associated theoretical and clinical issues––have appeared in journals such as Development & Psychopathology, Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, Psychoanalytic Psychology, and Psychodynamic Psychiatry.

Get Involved with Research

SFPRG's Research Committee maintains an ongoing commitment to supporting SFPRG members’ research interests, developing collaborative projects with academic partners, and connecting research findings to clinical practice.  Committee members consult regularly with SFPRG members about potential research questions and project ideas.  Through coordination with the Education Committee, research findings are communicated to clinicians in an effort to integrate research and practice.  

SFPRG strongly encourages interested clinicians, researchers, scholars, and students to participate in our research programs. We also encourage collaboration with other research colleagues nationally and internationally. If you would like to participate in our research or discuss possible collaborative studies, send an email to

For student members, there are opportunities to have someone from SFPRG sit on their dissertation or thesis committee and supervise their work. Once graduated, such individuals can begin participating in research undertaken or sponsored by SFPRG.


SFPRG members are routinely publishing papers in some of the leading psychology and psychotherapy journals in the world. Taken as a whole, this large and growing body of literature serves as our enduring legacy of researching how and why psychotherapy works (and, when it doesn't, why not).

We invite you to browse our extensive library of Publications.

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San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group
1008 General Kennedy Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94129
(415) 561-6771