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San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group



SFPRG has a number of standing committees - in addition to our Board of Directors - who plan events, discuss educational and research endeavors, manage recruitment and retention efforts, and more. Our members are welcome to attend meetings, and we're always looking to increase member involvement in our organization.



Education and Outreach Committee

Research Committee

Membership Committee

Board of Directors

Trevor Ahrendt, PsyD, Secretary

Jack Bugas, PhD

John Curtis, PhD, Treasurer

David Kealy, PhD

Denise Lew, PsyD

Pamela Lyss-Lerman, M.D.

James McCollum, PhD

Josh Rothenberg, PsyD, Membership 

George Silberschatz, PhD, President


Jacky Moore, Office Manager



San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group
1008 General Kennedy Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94129
(415) 561-6771