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San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group

HomeMembership Benefits

Benefits of Membership
  • Opportunities to network and socialize with other colleagues who share the values of SFPRG and its mission of advancing scholarship, research and education on the development of psychopathology and how psychotherapy works

  • Optional participation in the Tuesday weekly case conference with other SFPRG members

  • Listing in the SFPRG online membership directory

  • Discounts for various SFPRG courses, case conferences and workshops … including The Annual March Workshop

  • Research and writing opportunities including ongoing development of studies/concepts, mentorship in writing and publishing, and guidance and support for new research endeavors, including dissertations

  • Access to the SFPRG LISTSERV, which allows members the ability to send and email messages to the entire membership (e.g., when seeking a referral or organizing get-togethers) in a single click

  • Opportunities to teach SFPRG concepts and research to a varied audience and be financially compensated

Click Here to Join Today

San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group
1008 General Kennedy Avenue
San Francisco, CA  94129
(415) 561-6771